A typical hunting day:

• You will rise early in the morning (5:30 – 6am).
• Enjoy coffee and breakfast.
• Gear up with very warm clothing.
• Pack your supplied lunch and head out for the day with your guide.
• Your guide may need to load a Side by Side and/or ATV on trailer and truck it a ways before unloading closer to your stand. This forest is lush and intense so Side by Sides and ATV’s are needed to get to almost every stand.
• Your guide will take you right to your stand, help you into position and make sure you have everything you need and are comfortable. Then you wait. Wait to be amazed. Whitetail deer of all sizes will be seen coming into the bait. Deer are very entertaining to watch. One must be patient. Time is everything and patience always wins.
• If it is your lucky day and you score your trophy then your guide can be contacted by text or if a no cell service zone you will be given a radio.
• The normal daytime temperature during the hunting season is 25 degrees . and 10 degrees F at night time. It can be as warm as 45 degrees F in the daytime, but it can also be as low as -20 degrees F, so come prepared for the extremes.
• Some of our best deer movement is in colder weather, so you don’t want to be sitting at camp even when it gets cold!
• You will be picked up 30 minutes after sunset each evening and brought back to camp for a hearty home cooked meal and an evening filled with great company.
• Hunters that have harvested their whitetail part way through the week are welcome to tour the area with one of the guides or are welcome to stay back and camp and relax.